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    MG412 Principles of Marketing |Apple watch series | Fitbit2

    Brief :


    You have to carry out in-depth research in the targeted brand's market. Using database research of market, e.g. TGI and Mintel reports. After than you need to look on brands themselves, competitive positioning and their brand value in the market before going to discuss application of 4Ps- price, produce, promotion and place. The key for good mark on this is for preparing a comparative analysis. Do no describe brands which are in isolation- always look at two of them together and explain why they do thing separately.

    The assignment has to be based on observational and secondary research only. This is not required to carry out forms of primary research. You need to research these of the following:

    • Target Market: You have to develop a targeted market profile for every brand by using data sources such as Mintel, the enterprise own website and secondary sources.
    • Brand/product: Using Levitt's model for a brand, try to examine selected brands.   
    • Price: You have to carry some in-store and on-line research for establishing market price for each brand and any of the competitive products.
    • Place: You have to look at channel management. Which stocks store products? Is this a mass market product where a company have maximum outlet distribution, or this is a luxury brand for distribution is intentionally limited?   
    • Promotion: You have to research past communication methods. Which communication methods they use for building their own brands? How did they do this? How they positioning them in minds of targeted audiences?

    The report has to completed in 1500 words in form of essay, so you need to decide what goes in appendices. You have to follow the structure for your report:

    Contents Page (you have to use feature in word to do this automatically)


    This have to be in brief- this is not a detailed coverage for a corporate history. This have to include aims of report and some background information in every chosen brand. Therefore, this contains a brief introduction of brands with some useful data. Such as market size, market share and trends of market in sale, which you find from recent Mintel report and in trade press.


    Use these heading for making this report easier to follow. We suggest to adopt these following headings:

    • Comparing Target Markets
    • Products: changes of brand and product values.
    • Price: change in pricing strategies used.
    • Place: Distribution of Brands.
    • Promotion: Communication of Brands.

    You can try to put new relevant data in appendices with the summary of data in the body of this report. Each time you state a fact, for example sales, price data, market price etc. You have to provide a reference source for the facts in texts and on the reference, list based on the Harvard referencing. All data, graphs, tables and diagrams have title on the top. Example, Figure 1: ABC Product Category Market Share; or there is a table, Table 1 ABC Product Category Share with a source directly written and to right of that table.

    Conclusion and Recommendations

    In this you have to provide elements for evaluation of your research findings.

    • How each of the brand apply the 4Ps?
    • Why they apply 4Ps in this way?
    • Which brand will be more successful in applying 4Ps?
    • How each of the brand improvise their use of the 4Ps?

    Reference List

    This have to be listed alphabetically

    Assessed Learning Outcomes

    L01: Examine the effectiveness of the marketing mix for given brand or company.  

    L02: Exhibit knowledge of STP marketing planning process.

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